Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We need soil.  We need it now as everything needs to now be transplanted. Note to self: remember to space out seeding times next year! 
We currently do not have a composting system for our kitchen labs so we will start one - after spring break that is.  Each day we will collect composting waste from the kitchen labs and add it to the compost bin outside. We have decided to put our waste on newspaper, roll it up, add it to our class bin, then at the end of the day a student will take it out to the compost bin.  Our rules for composting are: fruits (but not oranges), vegetables (but not potatoes), crushed egg shells, paper towel, newspaper - layer with grass clippings, dried leaves and soil.  Not for composting: meat, fish, dairy, grease, chemicals, pet waste. 
As we learn more about composting I am potentially about to make more work for myself...wouldn't it be great to have a potatoe bin! Or use grease (suet) and seeds to make a bird feeder?
We got our compost bin from the City of Surrey.  If you are a resident, provide a Surrey address, the cost is $25.

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